I Will Say This Though About Slow Walkers

I Will Say This Though About Slow Walkers

I Will Say This Though About Slow Walkers Over the years I’ve been able to hone several abilities that some might refer to as “gay superpowers”. As a teen, I learned how to change the topic of conversation in under 5 seconds whenever a relative questioned me about a...
I Will Say This Though About Children

I Will Say This Though About Children

I Will Say This Though About Children I’m extremely tired of this idea right wingers keep pushing that suggests drag queens are trying to groom children. With my busy schedule, I don’t even have the time to style my own wigs let alone give a 6 year old a haircut. ...
I Will Say This Though About Reality TV

I Will Say This Though About Reality TV

I Will Say This Though About Reality TV  The other night I found myself scrolling through multiple streaming platforms in the hopes of finding something that piqued my interest. Just like cruising Grindr in a small town it became clear my only options might be serial...